I did NOT wake up at 5am with complaints about a homeless man using our bbq's. Nope not today!

>> Thursday, April 1, 2010

This morning I woke up looked at the clock and it was 9:00AM!

I could hardly believe that my children had slept in!
They haven't slept in past 7:00am since...well since ever.
Then I go to open the office since I was supposed to open and 9 (oops!) and I see a plethora of rent checks sitting in the rent box.
Not only that but the painters that I had scheduled for today came first thing in the morning and actually painted the entire apartment with real paint. Not the *90/5/5 mixture that they normally use.
Then the wacko in the back whom the cops were called on yesterday because he went a little bonkers on my maintenance man decided to just move out last night. So I didn't even have to go serve him the 3 day notice to vacate and then find a place to hide after all!
Then to top it all off I stepped on the scale this morning and I mysteriously lost 10lbs!

Oh yeah and I am pregnant with triplets!
What a great day this is turning out to be!

*90% water/5% paint/5% vegetable oil
(but this is just an educated guess)

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