Where do I sign up for the reality show?

>> Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I was going through and organizing my old posts when I ran across this one.
I posted it back in 2010.
This is a REAL incident report I found while cleaning out my office.

The previous manager was an older woman, very old actually, and I can just picture her typing this out so matter-of-factly. If it were me, I wouldn't have been able to help myself, I would have added in some satire. But, I love it just as she wrote it.

Here you go........

I was cleaning out my desk and I found this incident report.
I wanted to scan it, but it isn't coming in clear.
PLUS, not sure if I could get in trouble for that.
So, instead, I will have to retype it word for word.

For name safety let's call Tenant 1 Bob, and Tenant 2 Gary

And so it begins....

"At approximately 4:15PM today, August 3, 1998 Bob(tenant 1) came into the office. I thought he was here to pay rent (which he did) but he also wanted to talk to me about Gary(tenant 2, his neighbor). Bob stated that he has had problems with Gary for a couple of years but the problems have taken on a more aggressive attitude.

According to Bob the problem started a couple of yers ago when Gary came to his apartment and said something was wrong with Bobs cat. Something wrong with it's eye. While they were talking Gary asked him if he could bum a smoke and Bob said "sure" and then asked if Gary would like to come in and sit down. Gary did. After a while Gary began telling him that he had just watched some porno flicks and began masterbating while sitting in Bob's apartment. Gary then supposedly asked if Bob would like to do something. Bob said that he told Gary, "no, I am not gay and I do not have relationships with males." According to Bob, Gary got quite upset and left his apartment . Ever since then, whenever they pass in the drive area or walkways Gary says things to him. Bob said at first he could not understand what Gary was saying but since Gary was has been released from jail he quite clearly calls Bob an "a$$$%^&" and "F$%&* you" or calls him other names which at the moment I cannot recall. Bob says that he did not say anything all this time because he understands the mentality and emotional instability of homosexual. He felt that Gary was humiliated because he mistook Bob for one of his sexual orientation. he said that he could not believe that after all that Gary had done(he specificically mentioned when Gary's friend stole all the stuff from #52 backyard) that we would allow him to move back in here. I told him that I had not had a problem with Gary since he returned from prison, that Gary, to my knowledge has been a model resident. Gary has not even complained about other residents using the one parking space that has been designated as his.

The reason I am reporting all this to you in because Bob mentioned that he was asked if he had reported this to anyone of authority in his apartment complex and he said he had not. I asked who would ask a question like that . He said he is was mulling over the idea of suing Gary for verbal battery and he feels it is worth a lot of money. He said he is now afraid of what Gary or his friends might do to him, his cat or car. he said he can not have the quiet enjoyment that is entitled to him in his own home. He also said that he has seen Gary's friends coming around. When I asked him when he said one time. He kept stressing how frightened he is.

I am not sure that I believe this report but for our own well being I decided to report it. Prior to Gary's incarceration it might have been true. I asked Bob if he had any proof and he said he had some sperm stains on his couch from Gary's that he could use as evidence. "

See, I always wondered why the previous manager decided to move all the way across the country when her entire family lived right here in town. But, after reading this, and some other interesting reports, I don't blame her for going as far away as possible.
Can't you just picture her thinking "sucker!" as she was handing over her management keys to me.

Ps-People, in general, are just weird. 


Unknown February 4, 2010 at 7:35 PM  

Wow! After reading all these I think my dream of being an apartment manager has officially died. *sad*

Go look at my blog, I gave this blog an award. :)

GunDiva February 4, 2010 at 8:07 PM  


Anonymous February 5, 2010 at 8:58 AM  

OK--quite a story. Some might say chalk it up to the human kind, but not me.
First, why is the guy living there at all since there seems to be a prior criminal record? That's a no no hell no here at my complex.
Second, the complaint made is enough in my book to immediately evict the offender. Especially if you can get a written and signed complaint. This is the type of situation that will collapse your business quickly.

HSpencer, Lincoln Terrace Apts

Erin Huss February 5, 2010 at 9:13 AM  

HSpencer I very much so agree. After doing a bit of research it turns out that Gary is actually a relative to the owner. He no longer lives here.

Anonymous February 5, 2010 at 9:56 AM  

The old "relative" thingy!!
That splains a lot.

Goes to show you that we have NEVER heard it all!!!


Anonymous February 5, 2010 at 4:06 PM  

Management of Apartments is just like anykind of other job, except when you deal with someone's living arrangements it takes on a different hue. Most people who rent apartments have no idea what they are getting into when they sign a lease. You can sit and draw them pictures when you sign them up, but it is of little use. They hear only that they have rented a roof to live under. It all comes around "later" that they over rented in cost. And that they are in "someone else's" property, and that someone does not allow their property to be lived in like for pigs in a pen. They think its ok for their unemployed brother to come and live on their couch a few months without paying rent and listing him on the lease. They think its ok to pile junk on their front porch. They think its ok to disassemble the smoke alarm and use the batteries in their Walkman. ETC ETC ETC. When they can't come up with the rent, they think that's ok too.
Then its wake up time---OMG time--GET OUT time.
Property management is actually a pretty good job---I run six complexes--elderly/disabled and family types. Once you get it all across, you have little to no problems on a day to day basis.

Anonymous February 5, 2010 at 4:32 PM  

@Apartment Manager--

I am really enjoying your blog, being a fellow soul in the business. I have really not found an apartment management blog before this one.
Our company has 12 complexes consisting of Market Rate, Subsidized (Rural Development-NOT HUD), and Housing Authority. To be honest, my Market Rate units give me the most problems. Some rent up to $1200. a month, and these are the ones people over cost rent and can't afford them. In the subsidized ones, you have more of a hold on the tenant as you can threaten to cancel their Rental Assistance at any time. But no matter how they pay, you run into all kinds of people. My favorite tenants are the little old ladies who have lost their husbands, sold their homes, live on SS and have moved into my elderly units. These gals are like grandma's and make me cookies and I take care of their needs and keep them safe. I was a trained NCO in the Army on drug enforcement, and have friends on the police dept, who will if I ask bring the sniffer dogs on the property. I can look in someone's eyes and tell if they use drugs (most of the time). I can walk in their unit and tell as well. I have "Drug-Free Community" signs all over the place and I evict immediately on that. I control in and out traffic at the complexes, and I do quarterly inspections on each unit. So far things are pretty smooth. I have three silent partners in my company, and I do all the management on my own. I hire resident managers, and I run the biggest complex myself. I attend all the Housing meetings and keep up with the laws.
Thank you for your blog I wish to be a regular reader/poster.

Herb Spencer

Karen M. Peterson February 6, 2010 at 11:03 AM  

I'm sure that's exactly what she was thinking: "So long, Sucker!"

I know I would be!

Anonymous December 4, 2013 at 1:04 PM  

Just might be my favorite blog ever!

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